Agor Behavioral Health Services, Inc. specializes in mental health services for people of all ages. We take an open and unique approach to treatment that works for you and your family. Our staff are open to creating a new beginning for each client, bringing an opportunity for change with the guidance of an understanding and caring therapists.
Specialized Services
Our staff is trained to provide therapy for a wide range of areas including, but not limited to:
ADHD/Academic refusal
- Adoption Issues
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Crisis Counseling
- Depression
- Mood disorders
- Psychiatry
- School/academic issues
- Sexual Identity Orientation Issues
- Social Skills Groups for Children
- Read more about our Services here.
Sent us a message to [email protected]
to request an appointment or more information.
24402 W. Lockport Street,
Suite 215
Plainfield, Illinois 60544
Available by Appointment